How To Get Top 10 Search Engine Rankings
Ronald W. FirquainWhat does it take to be on top of the Internet heap nowadays? Having a popular website can mean many things. It can mean that you have a million visitors flocking to your site each day. It can also mean that you have a million other website developers, marketers, writers, and owners linking to your site. It can mean that you are recommended by experts in your field both online and offline. There are many ways you can be famous online, and you have to employ a thousand and one methods to gain the digital fame that you seek.In order to start building your fame, you need to be visible online. This can be more difficult than conventional means of marketing: in the brick and mortar world, you can rely on word of mouth and good product or service reviews to get your profits going. Although the digital world is much faster, you need to help your word of mouth marketing a little by designing your website so that it fits certain standards. You need to design a site, in fact, that can allow major search engines to find you.Why is it important to be ranked highly by search engines, and why are search engines so important at all? Studies show that people use search engines frequently to look for products or services, to surf websites dealing with things that they are interested in, and to use the Internet for research. Search engines are the indexers of the World Wide Web from time to time, major search engines send out programs called robots or spiders that are tasked to search through websites.These robots or spiders crawl through a site content to look for key words or phrases that are repeated at a certain frequency on the site individual pages, and that are present at a certain density for a certain number of words in each site article. These robots or spiders then use these keywords or phrases to index a site when you look for sites related to certain keywords or phrases, you will come up with a list of search engine results. Being in the top ten of these results is almost always a good thing: it means that your site has just the right number of keywords, and it can translate to having more visitors and possibly more profits.How can being in the top ten not be a good thing? If you have certain articles on your site that might mention a few words at a certain frequency, then your site will still be associated with these keywords even if they are not related to the site. Although this can work well by increasing the range of your market.To be in the best top ten for your particular keyword category, you therefore need to have well written content. You have to determine which keywords you need to have in your website, and which you must leave out. There is a certain word or phrase density that search engine robots or spiders look for when they scour through websites. Make sure that your website articles have these phrases at the right density, ore you may risk being ignored by search engines.Write useful content that is relevant to your site, or products and services. Your readers do not want to know just why your spa is the best in town, or why you have the best e-books that money can buy. They also need information relevant to their lives, so you can offer tips on good dieting and healthy living, ways to relax, even methods to cure yourself of colds much quicker. You can offer tips on how to take care of pets, how to clean a house from top to bottom without sweating it out, or how to write a novel, depending on what you are offering.Lastly, design your website so that it can be easily navigated, and can load quickly on major Internet browsers. Make things easy for your prospective clients they have to see your website quickly, so do away with heavy animation or graphics. Search engine robots or spiders, moreover, cannot pick up information from graphics or animation, so design your website well enough so that your text can carry you through.In the end, your success online is entirely up to you. With good design, great content, and a lot of know how, you can succeed on the Internet and have the search engines and people flocking to you.
Ronald Firquain is a writer, marketer, entrepreneur, webmaster and has 16 years of computer knowledge. You can download ebooks for making money online, building a website, play golf, guitar and more. For more information goto: