Archive for the "Skin Care" Category

Submitted by: Pratim D

Acne is the most common skin disease and the scars it leaves behind can become a source of embarrassment- no matter who you are. There was no good treatment for these scars even a decade ago but now you have options galore. However there are different types of acne scars and you need to understand the type before you even plan a treatment regime.

Have you been suffering from bouts of acne of late? Are the blemishes leaving behind ugly scars? The scars usually occur if you tend to pick on your pimples but the good news is most acne responds favorably to treatments and leaves the effected area spot-free. There could be exceptions too as sometimes healed acne does leave behind the ugly marks. If your acne is severe and inflamed then there are high chances the scars will be the there even after acne is cured. So what is the best acne scar treatment that you can count on? There are several kinds of scar removal treatment but before jumping the gun you need to act wise.

You will be mistaken if you think these treatments only removes the acne zits- they actually help in skin rejuvenation too. Before you start any kind of acne scar treatment it is critical you have a thorough discussion with your dermatologist and know about the expected outcome.


The most common acne scar treatment involves chemical peel that is used to treat small, depressed scars. It is also effective in removing the existing acne by getting rid of the comedones like the blackheads and whiteheads. If you have deep scars you may need to resort to repeated peeling to improve your skin. However if your scars are ice-pick or deep fibrotic it is better to go for other kinds of treatments as chemical peeling may not be that effective in most of the cases. Laser treatment to remove acne scars is also a good option. It is a relatively new technology that uses energy and the tissue penetrating power of different kinds of lasers to treat scars that are deep and complex. If you have irregular scarring the YAG laser is the best bet but if you want to tighten the collagen fibers of your skin the infrared beam of the carbon dioxide laser will be put to use.

Another very good acne scar treatment is dermabrasion. This is one of the most popular treatments capable of reaching the deeper layers. If you are suffering from hypertrophic scars this treatment is the best way out. Earlier ice pick scars were not treated with dermabrasion because when the top layer of the skin gets removed, wider scars of the deeper layers open up. The situation has changed and now ice pick scars are treated quite effectively with a combination of punch excision and dermabrasion.

Soft tissue augmentation is a very good acne scar treatment option if you are suffering from atrophic scars. Are you wondering how this method works? The scars will be subjected to Collagen or subcutaneous injections and this will make the scars go off making it even with your surrounding skin. If you have keloid scars then steroid injections can be a great help. So the trick lies in identifying the type of the scars- type determines the treatment.

About the Author: For more information about

acne scar treatment

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Submitted by: Susan Willis

Open heart surgery is required to repair a number of common heart ailments, including blocked arteries and related heart problems. The procedure is conducted with the aid of a heart-lung machine which carries out important bodily functions while the heart is being operated upon.

While open heart surgery is a very serious type of surgery, it is also one of the most commonly-performed operations in advanced countries and has a very high overall survival rate. Here are some considerations and side effects if you are to undergo surgery:

At The Hospital:

You should not eat or drink within eight hours of the scheduled surgery time. Patients are usually admitted on the morning of the surgery.

After surgery, you will be monitored in the cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) and later on the general floor of the hospital. Hospital stays after surgery are usually 3 to 4 days.

Recovery Times:

Recovery times for full open heart surgery may be 6 to 12 weeks or more. However, recovery for off-pump surgery and minimally-invasive heart surgery may take much less time.

Side Effects After Open Heart Surgery:

People who have undergone or are about to undergo heart surgery are often concerned about the side effects after open heart surgery. Here are some of the most common side-effects, all of which are normal and NOT a cause for alarm in most cases:

* muscle pain


* chest pain

* swelling (especially if you have an incision in your leg from coronary artery bypass grafting, or CABG)

* loss of appetite: it can take several weeks for your appetite to return

* diminished sense of taste: your sense of taste will return in time

* nausea upon smelling food: many patients get nauseous upon smelling food; this is common and will dissipate

* difficulty sleeping: you may have trouble falling asleep, or you may wake up regularly in the middle of the night; this will get better over time

* constipation: take a laxative and add fruits, fiber and juice to your diet

* mood swings: mild depression is normal during this period

* swelling, especially when there has been an incision in your leg

* lump at top of incision: again, this will go away with time

* clicking noise or feeling in your chest: this, too, will go away on its own; if it gets worse, contact your surgeon

While all of these side effects are normal and should go away with time, do not hesitate to contact your doctor if you are concerned or are facing an emergency.

Medicine Side Effects:

There are also a number of possible side effects after open heart surgery related to the medicines you take for surgery. If you experience any of the following side-effects, you SHOULD contact your physician right away:

* excessive nausea, diarrhea, constipation, or stomach pain

* vomiting

* dizziness or light-headedness when standing up

* confusion

* very fast or very slow pulse

* skin rash

* unusual burning or bleeding

Self-Care, Including Diet:

It is important to strictly follow your doctor’s instructions after surgery concerning your self-care, especially during the first 6-12 weeks after surgery.

One of the most important elements to consider after open heart surgery – both during the recovery period and for the rest of your life – is how you eat. It is important to eat heart-healthy foods, such as those rich in fiber and low in fats.

Most side-effects after heart surgery are completely normal. If you experience any side effects of particular concern that are not outlined here it is essential that you contact your doctor right away.

About the Author: For detailed tips on how to eat right after heart surgery, check out:



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