Archive for April, 2018

Saturday, May 27, 2017

On Friday, Zbigniew Brzezinski, a professor and former U.S. National Security Advisor of the Jimmy Carter administration, died at the age of 89.

The New York Times reported he died at a Falls Church, Virginia hospital.

Brzezinski’s daughter Mika announced her father’s death via Instagram. Others paid tribute to Brzezinski, including Joe Scarborough, Mika’s co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, via Twitter and former U.S. president Jimmy Carter via statement.

Brzezinski was born on March 28, 1928 in Warsaw, Poland. His father Tadeusz, a diplomat, moved his family from Europe to Montreal, Canada in 1938 before World War II. Tadeusz retired from politics in 1944 when the Communists occupied his home country, so his family settled in the Canadian countryside.

Zbigniew Brzezinski earned two degrees from Canada’s McGill University and then, in the United States, earned a doctorate from Harvard University. He began his teaching career at Harvard and then Columbia University.

Throughout 1960s, Brzezinski worked for John F. Kennedy as his advisor and then the Lyndon B. Johnson administration. During the 1976 selections he advised Carter on foreign policy, then served as National Security Advisor (NSA) from 1977 to 1981, succeeding Henry Kissinger. As NSA, he assisted Carter in diplomatically handling world affairs, such as the Camp David Accords, 1978; normalizing US–China relations thought the late 1970s; the Iranian Revolution, which led to the Iran hostage crisis, 1979; and the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, 1979.

For his role in politics, Brzezinski earned the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1981 and later the U.S. Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service in 2016. He has lately taught international studies at the Johns Hopkins University and worked as a counselor for the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Brzezinski wrote multiple books and some articles, including several from the 1950s.

Brzezinski was survived by his wife Eileen and his three children: daughter Mika and sons Ian and Mark.

byAlma Abell

Regardless of how diligent a homeowner is in caring for their carpets, floors are bound to get dirty. Over time, stains and dirt will build up in the carpet, creating an filthy look that cannot be washed away through traditional methods of cleaning. In order to properly maintain carpets and keep them looking like new, it is highly recommended that homeowners have their carpets professionally cleaned at least once per year, if not more. There are many advantages available to individuals through professional cleanings, all of which should be taken into consideration when selecting a contractor. With many to choose from, homeowners should be able to get a professional on site within a few days.

Carpet Cleaning in Nassau County creates a variety of benefits for homeowners. The level of benefits experienced will depend on the age of their carpet, the frequency of professional cleanings, and the contractor hired to complete the work. The most readily available benefits may include:

1. Industrial strength vacuum power is used, which ensures the carpets will be thoroughly cleaned

2. Certified equipment and cleaning solutions are utilized at every job

3. Greatly improves the air quality in the home

4. No labor is required from the homeowner

5. Saves the homeowner time

6. Helps prevent mildew and mold

7. Restores carpet to its original beauty

8. Provides protection against future stains

9. Costs are affordable

Ace Home Cleaning is a professional carpet cleaning company that provides excellent results at a price you can afford. Contractors bill for these services in a variety of different ways, with the two most popular invoicing methods being per square footage cost, or a flat rate up to a certain square footage. In some cases, stairs, and hard to remove stains are an additional cost. Due to the large number of benefits gained through Carpet Cleaning in Nassau County, it is highly recommended that individuals hire a professional as soon as they start noticing their carpets could use a little tender loving care. In most cases, the contractor is able to complete the job within one business day. After the floors have properly dried, homeowners can enjoy their newly cleaned carpets.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission is investigating claims that the United States used white phosphorus bombs in an attack against Taliban militants on May 4. The attack is reported to have killed over 100 civilians.

The claim that the US used phosphorus bombs come from a doctor at a burn hospital in Herat that treated victims of the attack. Dr. Mohammad Aref Jalali says that many of the injured people from the Bala Baluk village in Farah Province, had “unusual” burns on their bodies.

“We cannot be 100% sure what type of chemical it was and we do not have the equipment here to find out. One of the women who came here told us that 22 members of her family were totally burned. She said a bomb distributed white powder that caught fire and then set people’s clothes alight,” said Jalali. His claims prompted the rights group to launch an investigation.

U.S. officials denied having used any chemical weapons and also deny the reports that 147 civilians had been killed in the raid. General James L. Jones, a U.S. security adviser for the military in Afghanistan apologized for the loss of civilians, but also said that the Taliban is using them as “human shields.” The U.S. also said that the Taliban had, in the past, used or possessed white phosphorus in at least 44 previous incidents. At least 11 of the incidents involved the use of white phosphorus shells.

“The insurgents possess and use white phosphorus as a weapon against people. It’s a law of war that we adhere to but the insurgents blatantly violate,” said Colonel Greg Julian, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Afghanistan. The U.S. military admits they use white phosphorus for illumination and smokescreens, but not as a weapon.

Afghanistan’s president, Hamid Karzai criticized last weeks attack saying the U.S. is losing the “moral” battle with Afghanistan in terms of civilian deaths. The U.S. military said it would work to correct any errors they make when fighting with Taliban militants.

“We’re going to take a look at trying to make sure we correct those things we can correct, but certainly to tie the hands of our commanders and say we’re not going to conduct airstrikes would be imprudent,” Jones said in an interview with ABC News, as quoted by the New York Times.

The reports of the possible use of phosphorus bombs comes just months after Israel confirmed they used at least 20 white phosphorus bombs inside civilian areas during the IDF‘s offensive in the Gaza Strip in December of 2008 through January of this year. It is reported that the bombs were 155mm, M825E1 which were made in the U.S.. Nearly 1,300 Palestinians, the majority being civilians, died and nearly 5,450 were injured during the three-week offensive. Thirteen Israeli soldiers were also killed.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Forecasters predict that northern lights could be visible to the naked eye late tonight and early tomorrow morning across Canada, northern parts of the U.S., and possibly the United Kingdom.

Solar storms caused a large ejection of plasma from the Sun’s surface on Sunday, and the plasma is heading directly towards Earth. The plasma, a cloud of rapidly moving hydrogen gas atoms and subatomic particles, is expected to reach us late Tuesday. The plasma will interact with the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, which will cause northern lights, or aurora borealis, to be visible much further south than is usual. Northern lights usually appear as green or red rivers of lights across the sky.

“It’s the first major Earth-directed eruption in quite some time” said astronomer Leon Golub of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The eruption was detected by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, which was launched in February 2010, and is currently orbiting the Earth.

The Sun goes through approximately eleven-year long activity cycles, with the last maximum occurring in 2001. Sunday’s eruption is a sign that the many years of inactivity is over, and the Sun is heading towards another maximum.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

With the announcement Monday of 2 million in new funding from the European Union (EU), the Republic of Djibouti’s Ministry of Agriculture hopes to provide some relief to an estimated 25,000 rural inhabitants suffering through severe drought conditions. The money, to be channeled through UNICEF for its water and sanitation program, will be used to develop new wells and improve existing ones.

UNICEF is to contribute a further €60,000, as well as technical expertise to the Ministry of Agriculture, who will carry out the bulk of the work.

“The two-year water supply project targeting rural districts is very significant since people living in 45 villages and their 40,000 heads of cattle will have access to clean drinking water,” said Joaquin Gonzalez, EU Representative in Djibouti.

At the same time, the UN aid agency World Food Program (WFP) indicated that it is working with the Ministry of Agriculture and UNICEF to gradually shift Djibouti’s reliance on emergency aid to a Food for Work program, which it hopes will assist nomadic herders in Djibouti with long-term sustainability. “What we are trying to do together with the Ministry of Agriculture and UNICEF is, for example to dig wells so that despite drought, these herders will be able to irrigate their fields,” said Simon Pluess, WFP spokesman. “And, together with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, we will try and promote vegetable gardens.”

Djibouti has survived harsh drought conditions for the past 5 years. Groundwater is the primary source of water for drinking and irrigation, but has been difficult to exploit and is often contaminated. Almost 50 percent of people in rural Djibouti do not have ready access to properly developed source of drinking water. And, due to the ongoing drought, water availability for livestock is limited. Livestock have shown signs of distress and, subsequently, milk production is down substantially.

Nearly half of all families in Djibouti’s northwest were forced to migrate to find pasture for their livestock. As the droughts continue, the importance of properly maintained wells has become apparent. “Life is harder and harder for us. Years ago there were more rains and also more pastureland for cattle. Now it is good for us to have functioning wells so that we can keep cattle here,” said Anou Amada, farmer in the village of Andoli.

A 2006 survey indicated that only 15 percent of wells in Djibouti were equipped with a protective concrete wall to prevent contamination. Andoli’s well is one of many undergoing repair through WFP’s Food for Work project.

“WFP couldn’t do this alone, so we work with the Ministry of Agriculture and UNICEF to dig wells and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization for vegetable gardens,” said Benoit Thiry, Director, WFP in Djibouti.

When the project is completed in 2008, it will have increased Djibouti’s water pump capacity by adding 25 solar-power pumps, which would compliment the current 61 diesel-powered pumps. “The advantage of solar…is that it is much cheaper and requires less maintenance,” said Omar Habib, UNICEF communication specialist. “We want the people to participate and to appropriate these pumping stations. The government’s role in the long term should be as restricted as possible,” he added.

Category:Australia Day

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This is the category for Australia Day, a national day of celebrations.

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  • 3 January 2014: Wikinews interviews Australian wheelchair basketball player Tina McKenzie
  • 27 January 2013: Australian Manns Mitre 10 hardware store closes after rent dispute
  • 14 May 2012: Sydney’s ‘Angel of The Gap’ dies after decades rescuing the suicidal
  • 26 January 2012: Wikinews Shorts: January 27, 2012
  • 25 January 2012: Geoffrey Rush named 2012 Australian of the Year
  • 27 January 2010: Cricket: ‘Politicians and Pals’ defeat Buderim XI in Australia Day Twenty20 match
  • 20 January 2010: Cricket: Buderim to fill half Politicians team on Australia Day
  • 28 January 2009: Australia celebrates Australia Day 2009
  • 13 February 2008: Australian Parliament apologises to the Stolen Generations
  • 27 January 2008: Chamber of Commerce defeats Buderim XI in Australia Day Match
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State Farm Insurance allegedly destroying papers

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Zach Scruggs, a lawyer for United States Senator Trent Lott, says that State Farm Insurance Company is destroying records related to claims for damage from Hurricane Katrina.

The records allegedly contain information saying that State Farm fraudulently denied insurance claims made by its policy holders, including Lott, that had homes there were damaged or destroyed when Hurricane Katrina came ashore on the Gulf Coast.

Scruggs said that Lott has “good faith belief” that many employees of the insurance company in Biloxi, Mississippi are destroying engineer’s reports that were inconclusive as to whether or not water or wind was the main cause of damage to the buildings affected by the hurricane.

Lott is among thousands of home and/or business owners who had their property damaged or destroyed during the hurricane and had their claims denied because State Farm claimed that their policies don’t cover damage caused by floods or water that was driven by the wind.

State Farm has not issued a statement on the matter so far.

byAlma Abell

The quickest way to end a friendship is to ask a friend to walk your dog, professional dog walkers in NYC are a much better choice. A lot of people make the mistake of depending on friends, family, neighbors and others to walk their do while they are away during the day. The disappointment can be palatable when you find that the friend that promised to walk your dog did not make it there in time to walk the dog. The same can be said about imposing on neighbors to do it as well.

People Mean Well

It is not that your neighbor or your friend or your family does not want to “help you out” it is that they have a busy life too and throwing in a regularly scheduled dog walk can make things hectic. Unfortunately, the pup is the one that gets stuck with the shorter than usual walk. When you pay a professional you do not have to worry about hard feelings toward the well-meaning people in your life.

It Must be About the Dog

Ultimately, the service must be focused on what is best for the dog. A professional understands the important role that they play in the care of your pet and they:

  • Show up on time
  • Show up joyfully and ready to walk
  • Walk the pup for the agreed upon amount of time
  • Have the skills that make every dog comfortable

Paying a professional service is the best way to make sure that your fur baby is taken care of the right way. It is an easier solution that feeling like you may be putting someone out by requesting that they see to the care of your pet! Smiley Pets are the dog walkers in NYC that makes life easier!

Business Brief for December 7, 2005

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Wednesday, December 7, 2005

These are short blurbs about current events in the business world.


  • 1 Verizon overhauling employee pension plans
    • 1.1 Sources
  • 2 Microsoft plans to invest $1.7 billion in India
    • 2.1 Sources


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This is the category for Education. See also the Education Portal.

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  • 26 January 2018: United States: Two dead in Kentucky high school shooting
  • 20 October 2017: Arrangement of light receptors in the eye may cause dyslexia, scientists say
  • 21 January 2016: Detroit teachers stage sickout to protest working conditions as Obama visits
  • 28 October 2015: Time magazine names Ahmed Mohamed to ‘Most Influential Teens of 2015’
  • 23 October 2015: Masked man kills two in sword attack at Swedish school
  • 4 October 2015: Several dead in Oregon college shootings
  • 22 September 2015: Texas student Ahmed Mohamed inspires social movement
  • 2 August 2015: Local municipalities in Italy ask taxes from religious schools
  • 22 April 2015: Student kills teacher in Barcelona
  • 4 March 2015: Beverly Hall, indicted public school superintendent, dies aged 68

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